Greg Loaicono New Album Review from Marin Indpendent

COVID Can't Stop the Music - New Review of Greg Loiacono's Mystic Traces

It may be all quiet on the live music front, but many musicians are still making beautiful socially distant music. One of them is Blue Rose Music's very own Greg Loiacono, whose recent solo album release "Mystic Traces".is helping to fill the void of live music. The Marin Independent recently caught up with Greg, deeming his new release a "deeply personal album that he has every right to feel good about." With COVID temporarily shutting down the live concert scene, Greg made the most of this unexpected time channeling some energy into bringing his lovingly crafted 11-song album to life. This album is a compilation of recordings over a two year period. “I definitely have mixed emotions putting an album out in a pandemic,” he says. “Not being able to tour is a new thing, and a challenge. But this is also something to promote, something to do, something to feel good about.” Greg's new album Mystic Traces is available HERE.
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